Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I chose to focus on the myth of the American family. Some of these images illustrate how the American family was supposed to be and other images show that it is, indeed, a myth. I have included both documents that support and demonstrate how the idea of the traditional/classic American family came to be so well known and I have included documents that undermine it and point out some gaping holes in it.

 Throughout my blog, we spot different images from old TV shows, film clips, and advertisements that create the image of the "classic American family." These images, while at one time thought to be accurate depictions of what family looked like, really expose just how many groups, communities and individuals were excluded from such ideas. Basically, if you didn't fit into one or all of the standards shown and advertised, you were not considered a classic American family. It unfortunately, threw the majority of people into a weird limbo where they were not thought to be anything.

I also chose to include images from a contemporary TV show, Modern Family, because it pointed out just how many different types of individuals and communities of people are, realistically in a family how it contradicted the myth. The show includes, a blended family, different races, homosexual couples and adoption.  It helps to verify that what used to be the image of the American family is both untrue and unrealistic.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Here is a great example of the type of "diversity" amongst families that was portrayed int eh 1950's. White, heterosexual and middle class.


These two ads for guides reinforce that the classic family means that the wife makes the home and serves the husband. It suggests that both of these guides will make your family better and marriage more fulfilled. 


Depicted here is an example of a classic American family stereotype.  They're a white, seemingly well-to-do family, and the husband/father is being looked at by all, because he is the most respected and the patriarch. It suggest that he is the head of the family.

Here is an image of two families with gay parents. This, of course, disputes the myth of the traditional family, because it suggests that a family does not have heterosexual parents. 

This presents the stereotypical family as well and suggests that watching TV brings the family together and makes one's own family be more like a traditional American family.


Here is an advertisement that encourages people to vacation in Florida. Of course, it depicts a white happy family on vacation. It suggests that if your family vacations in Florida, it will not only be as happy as this family, but also look more like the traditional American family.


This short is supposed to advise children on the importance of spending time with your family. It depicts the family exactly how it was supposed to be in the 1950's. Despite the overall message, the ideas that support it are absurd and are nothing like what is realistic today.

This photo reveals what America thought the traditional family was back in the 1950's. This toy of cut-out dolls encourage people to believe that these images are what a classic American family looked like.


I like these photos, because it shows how society is sort of poking fun at the myth of the traditional American family. It reinforces the message that, the stereotypical "classic" family is, indeed, a myth.


The show, Modern Family, is an example of how the contemporary American family disputes the stereotypical idea of an American family. This show introduces the audience to a family that resembles more of a typical family you might see today. It is a mixed family that includes a gay couple that adopts a child, different races and different age ranges (in married couples.)

The three scenes shown here in this three minute clip from the movie, Mona Lisa Smile are three great examples of what the ideal family was supposed to be and the "rules associated," with setting it up. While the focus of the actual movie is on the women, you'll see three different examples (some with photographs) of how it worked back then.
Here is a stereotypical version of the classic American family gathering around the television to spend family time. Note that they're white, theres a boy and a girl and everyone is smiling.

While this photo captures the essence of the classic American family, it does not literally meet the stereotypical standards for one. The family depicted here is black and the idea of a classic American family is one that is white.
